Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Wiki

Takes the on the positive unit which gives it the horizontal edges

kernals/filters are being used on multiple the convulsions that are created before it

Softmax binary classification (single label)

insert image of softmax eq

Multi label Image classification

Starts lesson3 3 1:20

Satellite imagery can have things many labels like weather, agriculture, primary (rain forest) water

Sigmoid use for multi variable classification(multiple label)

$$s(x)= \frac{e^x}{e^x+1}$$

Sigmoid Function Graph

learn.summary() shows us our model

Structure of Data

Structured data

Lesson 3- roossman starts at 2:03

fastai.structred for structured data can be used by itself without any fastai packages.

fast.ai columnar lets us work with columnar data

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